The Asscoation was founded 1953 and is a member of Croatian Federation for sport fishing and the river, the Croatian Diving Association in Zagreu and Technical Culture Association County of Dubrovnik-Neretva.

Address: No. Obala1 9th Phone: 020/812-081 (Eldo Franulović) Company registration number: 3060748, Account number: 31730-678-2421, President of the Society is Đanko Scepanovic and secretary Ljubo Franičević.

Activities of the company:

– Sport fishing

– Sports diving

– Care about the underwater environment and

Since the establishment of the independent Republic of Croatian society is organized:

– Championship Dalmatia Spearfishing 1993

– A national championship in angling for seniors in 1996

– Angling Championships for Seniors County of Dubrovnik-Neretva

During the period the company took part in all county and regional competitions, as well as national competitions, and have achieved impressive results. It is worth mentioning that in 1956 in Vela Luka held the championship of Europe in angling. At this competition is one of our member participated in the National Team of former Natron, and on this occasion took the first place in Europe.


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